In order to decrease fiscal deficit and higher economic growth government is increasing a fuel price which has its own consequences on common people which comprises the masses. Decrease in taxes are sure shot good but is only applicable to few cross section which comprises minority. Under the name of fiscal deficit and economic growth government is downplaying common people. Every common people want India to develop rapidly but definitely not at the cost of their basic needs dissatisfaction. The fuel price rise has actually nothing to do with petroleum sector but for emancipating other social sector for which the government is not talking openly.
The government is also in no mood to rollback the hiked fuel prices. Opposition parties are opposing it but I wonder for whose interest. When educated people like us who call ourselves civilized aren’t worried about it and are showing no constraint against it then we have no rights even to discuss or talk about it in private also, like with friends, family, etc. Discussing and talking about it in closed circuits would not help u neither me nor any common people. Until and unless we don’t unite and make the representative of the country realize the setbacks reforms are almost impossible. It is very important for us to make them understand that it’s because of us {common man} that you people are sitting there in air-conditioned room; possess plush houses, basic as well as luxurious needs and bills taken care.
they talk about the plight of the common man but i wonder how much do they really comprehend.or it is just restricted to their flowery speech.A common man can't afford inflation neither any rise in price because a common man doesn't have sugar factories in store where anytime he wishes he can create artificial scarcity or hoardings. he doesn't have many media agencies working under them like any newspaper or broadcasting channel who can do their PR. they do not have crores of rupees to build statues of them in gold. their children do not go abroad to study and then come back to India to rule after learning the drawbacks in foreign countries. they do not have guts to sit in the parliament in-spite of having criminal records but are just not proved. and just because they do not possess this embellished qualities and materials have no right to say and thus again and again pierced by the name common man which many a times sounds like profanity.